Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspective
Edited by Alaa Tartir · Tariq Dana · Timothy Seidel . Middle East Today, 2021, 335 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-68642-0 Reviewed by Firdan FADLAN Sidik The weakness of Palestinian economy in the eye of the Israeli and Orientalist considered as a natural cause rooted from the genetical Arab fractured that led to the need of a superior power as Israel. The other view on Palestine economy was that their economy was shaped to became weak and continuously dependent on Israel. The Book edited by Alaa Tartir, Tariq Dana, and Timothy Seidel will come to the second opinion and unreveal the former opinion. Such a deep and focus discussion work on political economy in Palestine has been done by a sort of scholars on the book entitled Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspective. Within the decolonialization perspective, the authors explained the discourses in the context of how did colonialization works in the realm of economics. This ...